Vedic Maths

What is Vedic Maths?

Vedic Maths is a system of mathematics that originated in ancient India and is based on a set of 16 sutras or principles. One of the key benefits of learning Vedic Maths is that it can help remove the fear of numbers.

6 levels in Vedic Maths

Benefits Of Learning Vedic Maths

Vedic Maths can be helpful in various courses that require strong Maths skills and problem-solving abilities.

Improves Calculation Speed
Sharpens Concentration
Improves Logical Reasoning Abilities
Removes fear of Math's

Vedic Maths Sixteen Sutras

Below are the Vedic Maths Sixteen Sutras in details along with their Sanskrit names

एकाधिकेन पूर्वेण

“पहले से एक अधिक के द्वारा ”

निखिलं नवतश्मचरमं दशतः

“सभी नौ में से परन्तु अन्तिम दस में से ”


“सीधे ( खड़े) और तिरछे दोनों प्रकार से ”

परावर्त्य योजयेत्

” पक्षान्तरण कर उपयोग करें ”

शून्यं साम्यमुच्चये

“समुच्चय समान होने पर शून्य होता है। ”

अनुरूप्ये शून्यमन्यत्

” अनुरुपता होने पर दूसरा शून्य होता है। ”


” जोड़कर और घटाकर ”


” अपूर्ण को पूर्ण करके।”


चलन-कलन के द्वारा।


जितना कम है अर्थात विचलन


एक को पूर्ण और पूर्ण को एक मानते हुए

शेषाण्यङ्केन चरमेण

अंतिम अंक से अवशेष को।


अंतिम और उपान्तिम का दुगुना।

एकन्यूनेन पूर्वेण

पहले से एक कम के द्वारा।


गुणितो का समुच्चय।


गुणको का समुच्चय।

Role of Vedic Maths

A university in India conducted a field study which showed that Vedic Maths improves various cognitive skills in children, such as concentration, focus, memory, logical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, it was observed that Vedic Maths helps in diminishing Maths anxiety in kids.

What will you Learn?

Fast addition
Mental subtraction without borrowing
Magic with 5
Square roots with observation
Magical tricks by 9
Create your own calendars
Many more tricks using vedic sutras
Master your multiplications
Fractions getting exciting
Super fast divisions with the amazing tricks
Special base multiplication
Create your own tables up to any number
Cubes at a glance.
BrainGym Exercises and Puzzles

History & Evolution of Vedic Maths

The origins of Vedic Maths can be traced back to the ancient Indian texts known as the Vedas, which were written over 4,000 years ago. The Vedas contain a set of 16 sutras or principles and 13 sub-sutras that form the basis of Vedic Maths.

The principles of Vedic Maths were largely forgotten over time, but in the early 20th century, an Indian mathematician named Bharati Krishna Tirthaji rediscovered these principles and began to teach them to others. Tirthaji was a scholar of Sanskrit and had extensively studied the Vedas, which helped him to understand the mathematical principles that were contained within them.

Tirthaji spent several years developing and refining the principles of Vedic Maths and eventually published his findings in a book called “Vedic Mathematics” in 1965. The book quickly gained popularity in India and eventually spread to other parts of the world, where it has been used to teach mathematics in schools and universities.

Today, Vedic Maths is a widely recognized system of mathematics that has been adapted and modified by educators and mathematicians around the world. It is taught in schools and universities in many countries, and there are numerous books, videos, and online resources available that explain the principles of Vedic Maths .

The principles of Vedic Maths are based on a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and are designed to provide a faster, simpler, and more intuitive approach to mathematics. The system is known for its emphasis on mental calculation and its ability to make complex mathematical problems much easier to solve. It has been praised for its ability to improve mathematical skills and confidence, as well as its potential to unlock the mathematical abilities of individuals who previously struggled with the subject.